Flygt Concertor®


Flygt Concertor is the most efficient and robust solution for wastewater management no matter the type of industry you are in. This pumping system combines a fully integrated control system with IE4 motor efficiency, Adaptive N-hydraulics and intelligent functionalities. The unique benefits you will receive from these features will save you both time and money, now and in the long run.


  • Trouble-free pumping: Concertor includes an integrated pump cleaning function, built-in sump and pipe cleaning and self-cleaning Adaptive N-technology.
  • Energy savings: Energy minimizer function and IE4 motor enable substantial
  • Simple set-up: Concertor is pre-engineered as a total solution and factory tested before Ready to plug and play without spending any additional time.
  • Flexible performance: Concertor scales to your needs, pump performance can be adjusted on site or remotely, thanks to the adaptable performance field, with the push of a
  • Impeller material options: Hard-Iron and Duplex Stainless steel


  • Wastewater and contaminated water
  • Cooling water
  • Recirculation of sludge
  • Industrial effluent
  • Rainwater collection
  • Transfer of process water

Rating, kWFlowHead
Concertor N2,2 – 7,380 l/s35 m


Possible installations

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